ISL202 Assignment No1 solution 2023 By MAS All Rounder

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ISL202 Assignment No1 solution 2023

Assignment Question:

Each religion has a concept of worship that distinguishes it from other religions. The followers of that religion perform these rituals with passion and devotion. 

Being a universal religion, Islam has a unique concept of worship which is completely different from all other religions. 

"In this regard, Students will write three points with a brief explanation, which can clarify that Islamic concept of worship is unique and different from other religions." 


Here are three points that explain how the Islamic concept of worship is unique and different from other religions: 

1. Worship in Islam is all-encompassing: 

Islamic worship is not limited to rituals and practices performed in designated places of worship. Instead, it includes all aspects of a person's life, from the way they interact with others to their daily routines. Muslims are encouraged to remember and acknowledge Allah in everything they do and to fulfill their responsibilities as members of society while staying mindful of their faith. 

2. The focus of Islamic worship is on God's Oneness: 

Islam emphasizes the concept of Tawhid, which means the oneness of God. Muslims believe in one God who is the creator of everything and the ultimate authority. Islamic worship revolves around acknowledging and submitting to God's oneness, and seeking His forgiveness, mercy, and guidance. The Quran emphasizes that all acts of worship should be directed solely towards God, and any form of associating partners with Him (shirk) is considered a major sin. 

3. Islamic worship is characterized by humility and sincerity: 

In Islam, worship is not just about performing physical actions but is also about developing a deep connection with Allah. Muslims are encouraged to approach worship with a sincere and humble attitude, recognizing their own limitations and seeking to please God rather than seeking praise or approval from others. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized that actions are judged based on their intentions, and that sincerity is essential for worship to be accepted by Allah.


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